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The Winchester Gallery

Building Financial Resilience for Later Life

25th April 2024

This is a visual arts exhibition dedicated to exploring the intersections between ethnicity, financial security, and pension protection. It is the first public exhibition as part of our 3-year academic project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council’s Inclusive Ageing initiative, titled ‘Promoting inclusivity in pension protection and other forms of saving among men and women from black and minority ethnic communities in the UK: a mixed methods study’, and based in the Centre for Research on Ageing, Department of Gerontology and Winchester School of Art, in collaboration with the ESRC Centre for Population Change Connecting Generations in the University of Southampton. The exhibition delves into the profound impact that life experiences and accumulation of resources have on later life outcomes. Here, we confront a stark reality: while many older adults relish the rewards of their labour and care contributions in retirement, others face a higher risk of possessing low financial resources when they reach their later life. More specifically, research shows that women and members of certain minority ethnic groups can be particularly affected.

Through a fusion of visual mediums and thought-provoking narratives, we aim to unravel the complexities around this topic and ignite change in perceptions. Utilising an innovative approach of participant-captured photographs, we seek to amplify the multitude of experiences and voices from minority ethnic communities. By immersing ourselves in their real-life narratives and experiences, we not only deepen our understanding of ethnic differentials in pension provision and accumulation of financial resources, but also obtain a deeper understanding of nuanced ways of preparing for later life in different communities, and pave the way for greater inclusivity and equity in future pension policy planning. Join us on this visually stimulating journey as we improve our understanding, challenge the norms and strive for a future where every individual’s retirement is secure and dignified.